
Wow! A whole page just about me!

Me talking about myself! Let’s see…

I am Diana.

I am a reader, a tv-shows lover and a photography learner. I am a big fan of Joss Whedon. I am a traveller of the world and a dreamer.  I am a geek. I adore Tolkien and Wilde. I believe in people, love and that every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.

And this is my little one, Buffy. They say pups resemble their owners…

558531_10151122099927440_2058774231_nWelcome to my lovely world of nightmares.

“I shall pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” – Jerry Lewis


20 thoughts on “About

  1. Thank you for following my thoughts Dianna. I do like your profile. You are an interesting person, and one that I would like to know more about. I am sure you shall become a very good muse for me.

    You are beautiful.


  2. Hello Diana,

    Greetings from Japan 🙂
    Thank you very much for visiting & following my site! I am very happy to have discovered yours. You have great quotes and photography.
    I hope you’ll stop by again – I will do so, too 😀

    Best wishes,

    • Greetings desde España, Takami! I’m sure I will stop by your site a lot, I’ve loved your photographies, I am a photography lover and I am learning photography myself 🙂
      Thank you so much for stopping by and I also hope seen you around 🙂
      Un beso!!

  3. *throws confetti* I welcome myself to your world of nightmares, Di 🙂 HAHA This doesn’t look like a blog of nightmares at all 🙂 You were and you are an inspiring blogger, I love your words and your mind 🙂
    Keep writing, mi amiga!

    • Welcome to my world of nightmares, sweetie! 🙂
      Actually it is. Not being good enough, not taking the right decisions, not being brave enough, not being able to get again to my path to happiness, those are nightmares to me 🙂
      So I try to follow my heart in my decisions, and to teach my head to be brave and leave the nightmares for the sleeping times, and the blog helps me with that… Sounds silly, eh? 🙂
      Muchos besos!!

  4. Hi Diana,

    Oh my! Buffy is so cute – especially with her little pink bow!

    Great blog by the way, lots of positively and inspiration! I love the ‘feel good’
    Vibes 🙂



    • Thank you Amanda! She is adorable, indeed! She is my little ball of furry hugs 🙂
      And welcome to my blog, I’m so glad you like it. Specially as I find you and your blog so inspiring!
      Thank you for taking the time to stopping by 🙂

  5. I realized today that I had never actually thanked you for following my blog. So thank you! Seriously, I appreciate it. And I quite enjoy reading yours, so thank you for everything you post as well.

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